To qualify for the grant, small business owners should ensure that they have between two and 50 employees in their premises, have been operating their business for over a year, and have dealt with challenges resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic. Lastly, they should also ensure that their business location is at a close distance where Facebook Malaysia operates in Kuala Lumpur.
Qualified applicants can begin submitting their application starting today until 12 October 2020. It is also worth noting that each grant from Facebook Malaysia amounts to RM9,400 which comprises of RM5,900 in cash and RM3,500 in the form of optional advertisement credits. However, the owners will first need to provide Facebook with their Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) Profile document. For small business owners in Malaysia who wish to register for this grant, they can do so by directly visiting the link provided here. (Source: Facebook for Business)