“The acquisition of Xilinx brings together a highly complementary set of products, customers and markets combined with differentiated IP and world-class talent to create the industry’s high-performance and adaptive computing leader. Xilinx offers industry-leading FPGAs, adaptive SoCs, AI inference engines and software expertise that enable AMD to offer the strongest portfolio of high-performance and adaptive computing solutions in the industry and capture a larger share of the approximately $135 billion market opportunity we see across cloud, edge, and intelligent devices,” Dr. Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, said. With the acquisition of Xilinx, AMD is hoping to further strengthen its high-performance computing (HPC) portfolio and, in the process, transform it into a high performance and adaptive computing leader. AMD’s journey towards bringing Xilinx into their fold has been nothing short of slightly perilous, in a manner of speaking. Despite both companies hailing from the US, it is safe to say that the acquisition also hinged upon them agreeing to several conditions that were set by the Chinese government. Of the conditions, one was a guarantee that neither companies would force tie-in sales of products, nor discriminate against customers that a set of products but not another. (Source: AMD)

It s Official  AMD Now The Proud Owner Of Xilinx - 11