Specifically, NVIDIA also announced that it will use a form of ray-tracing, known as path tracing, into the Windows 10 version of the game. According to the GPU brand, path tracing is a new method in which RTX-capable systems can simulate the way light is transported throughout a scene. To get into the technicalities, path tracing “presents a unified model for lighting calculations” for different types of effects. Some examples in-game include direct lighting from the sun or emissive surfaces such as glowstone and lava; realistic hard and soft shadows based on the size, shape, and distance of the light source; atmospheric scattering and density; indirect specular and diffuse illumination; and transparent materials with reflections, refractions, and the scattering of elements, to name a few. To recap, the ray-tracing announcement was made a week after Mojang announces the cancellation on the graphical update called “Super Duper Graphics Pack”. At the time of writing, NVIDIA and Microsoft have not announced a release for the ray-tracing update. However, the update will be free, and will only be accessible to gamers whose systems are powered by NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX series graphics card. (Source: NVIDIA)