For context, the total prize pool for last year’s The International 9 was at US$34 million. This puts the prize pool for TI 10 just behind TI 9, and by the time the tourney actually comes around, it will likely have surpassed last year’s record. And on that note, it looks like there’s plenty of time of this prize pool to catch up. While there’s still no definitive date as to when it will happen, Valve has said that this will likely place in 2021. It remains to be seen if The International 10 Battle Pass will continue to be sold until then. Traditionally, the battle pass remains on sale until the finals of the tournament. At any rate, The International 10 prize pool looks set to be the largest of any esports tourney. Even if the tourney is skipping a year, it will likely still continue its tradition of overshadowing every other esports prize pool. (Source: Valve [1], [2] via Forbes)