Unfortunately, there’s only one of the original Pokemon bicycle. And The Pokemon Company is giving it away via lottery for fans who follow said Twitter account, and post the appropriate hashtag. To further shatter the dreams of fans outside of Japan, the company says that it is only shipping the prize within its home country.

All that being said, whoever wins the thing will only be getting a prop, ultimately. As it turns out, The Pokemon Company did not make a rideable bike. Notably missing from the bicycle replica is the bike chain. It doesn’t look like you can move the kickstand either. But it’s quite the impressive prop, with a lot of attention to detail. For example, there are prints of the various PokeBalls on the tyre thread. Overall, the full sized model of the original Pokemon bike will make for quite the conversation piece. Especially since it can actually play its own ig-game theme. (Source: The Pokemon Company via Kotaku)

The Pokemon Company Made A Full Sized Model Of The First Game s Bicycle - 68